5 Top Tips to Help Employers Retain Young Talent
With this generation’s working needs differing drastically from those that came before, it can be tricky for some employers to know the best way to support young diverse talent in the workplace.
By 2025, Generation Z are likely to account for approximately 27% of the global workforce, making the retention of such employees imperative to a successful business [1]
The working world is rapidly adapting with the onset of a new influx of employees. As employers look to the newer generation to lead the way in the future, here are five factors that are worth considering when planning to retain young talent.

1. Be Flexible
As an employer of young talent, flexibility can be key to building an engaged and productive workforce. While previous working hours have traditionally been nine to five, Monday to Friday, Gen-Z employees increasingly favour a shift towards a more flexible, personalised working life.
Try offering compressed hours and a four-day working week, or simply allow employees to start and finish work an hour earlier
By giving young employees the independence to choose their own timetable, employers can promote a healthy work-life balance and create a positive and friendly atmosphere.

As well as flexi-hours, another great way to provide young talent with the flexibility that they may desire is by giving them the option to work from home.
The global usage of this style of working was accelerated by the Coronavirus pandemic, but it can be mutually beneficial for employers and employees.
Allowing employees the option to work remotely could save businesses money and aid their young talent with travel expenses, as well as increasing productivity and improving their mental health.
2. Implement Mental and Physical Wellbeing Initiatives
In a global survey of Millennial and Gen-Z workers during 2021, 35% of Gen-Z respondents said that they’ve taken time off work due to stress and anxiety[2].
Mental and physical wellness is hugely important to the young workforce of today, and for employers to retain their young talent, they should acknowledge and respond to this need.
Showing young employees that they are cared about can go a long way in keeping them working at your company
Simple gestures, such as ensuring that employees receive their full lunch break or clock out on-time, can make a difference in helping to improve young employees’ mental health in the workplace.
Scheduling in weekly catch-up meetings can also create a safe environment for employees to express their thoughts and concerns about their working situation.
In terms of physical wellbeing, introducing a bike-to-work scheme can be a great first step in encouraging a healthy, active lifestyle for employees. If possible, consider leading walking meetings, in order to chat to employees whilst engaging in crucial physical activity and in an outdoor environment.
3. Nurture a Culture of Diversity and Inclusion
41.1% of respondents to our latest student survey said that meeting a diverse group of people is the most important factor when assessing the values and culture of a company
The heightened social awareness of young talent emphasises the celebration of diversity, and they expect this to be reflected in the workplace.
Encouraging and hiring a diverse workforce can increase productivity, as well as create an opportunity for both employers and employees to improve their cultural awareness.
A diverse team can provide everyone with the opportunity to express their differing ideas, leading to an atmosphere of innovation and constant professional discussion.

Building a culture of diversity and inclusion also affords young adults the chance to take pride in the company for which they work.
In the knowledge that they represent a forward-thinking and culturally aware brand, young employees are more likely to work with real passion and desire, taking satisfaction in an outstanding job performance.
4. Formulate a Clear Development and Progression Plan
While in previous working generations it was common for employees to stay with one company for most of their career, this is becoming less prevalent in Millennials and Gen-Z.
Most of today’s young employees now want companies with structured development plans and guarantees of rapid progression for exceptional work.
Setting up your young talent from the beginning with clearly defined development objectives that they can work towards is a great way to ensure that they are motivated and focussed.
It also provides them with the reassurance that by successfully matching these targets, they can progress steadily through their career and reach their desired career goals.
This reassurance can prompt young employees to believe that their future is at your company.
5. Foster an Environment of Communication and Feedback
Efficient, open communication between employer and employee is a simple but effective way to keep young talent positive and comfortable in the workplace.
Try organising one-to-one catch-ups and regular free-fire brainstorm meetings. These can help to encourage young employees to speak up about anything they’re unsure or uncomfortable about and provide employers with valuable feedback.

Making your young talent feel that their voices are heard is essential to retaining them. They want to feel that their opinions matter and that they can have a real impact on the company. Fostering an environment of free speech and excellent communication is one of the most successful ways to make this happen.
The young talent leaving schools and colleges today are the future of employment and they have different working expectations and requirements than previous generations.
Acknowledging and accommodating these expectations is the best way for employers to retain young talent and to incorporate the new generation into a dynamic, forward-thinking and motivated workforce.
If you’re looking to invest in the young talent of today and want to improve your outreach, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at info@uptree.co.
[1] The Future of Time; Gen Z and Gen Alpha Infographic Update; How to retain Gen Z and Millennial employees during the Great Resignation.
[2] The Deloitte Global 2021 Millennial and Gen Z Survey: Highlights.
By Uptree
Published on:
Mon 17 Jan 2022