A group of students in a workshop

Student Success Story: Software Engineer Degree Apprenticeship with Arm

Picture of Victor wearing a white t-shirt and black head covering, looking directly at the camera, with the words to the right saying 'We're so proud of Victor' for his Software Engineering apprenticeship with Arm

I heard about Uptree via my school, I was then nominated for an Uptree Masterclass with Arm.

The Uptree masterclass helped me get my role as it prepared me with the necessary information needed to apply for the role.

I liked the fact I could be working in an industry I enjoy and be able to learn more about the industry.

I am apprentice with ARM, my role will involve software engineering, as well as learning more about software engineering.

One set back I faced was giving up too easily in the sense that, I wasn't aware of how long the hiring process was so at times I would think to myself, I had not being selected. However, if I was a bit more patient, I wouldn't have thought such.

My advice to students in the same situation is to make sure you're well prepared. As been well prepared will help you go a long way into getting hired by companies like Arm. Well prepared can be you just researching about the company and learning more about it, or dressing appropriately for an interview.

By Uptree
Published on: Thu 10 Mar 2022

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