Frequently Asked Questions - Careers Learning Programme
Have a question about our careers learning programme?
Check out our frequently asked questions below.
If you still can't find what you're looking for, contact Uptree at educationteam@uptree.co
What is the Careers Learning Programme?
The Careers Learning Programme (CLP) is a collection of online lessons which support students to develop their skills and learn more about the world of work. Students can learn about careers in different industries, develop essential skills and boost their employability.
Most lessons take around 20 minutes – perfect to support a careers lesson at school.
Where do I find the Careers Learning Programme?
The Careers Learning Programme lessons are found on our courses page. Students need to be logged into their Uptree accounts to start.
My students don’t have Uptree accounts – how can they get started?
To start lessons on the Careers Learning Programme, students need to sign up for a free Uptree account here. We can also register your students en masse – to do this, please contact the Uptree Education Team and include the subject line "Register my students: School/College name".
You can read our privacy policy here.
Who is the Careers Learning Programme for?
These self-guided lessons are suitable for all secondary-age students.
How can I track how many of my students have completed lessons?
We have just launched our new Schools' Portal, where you can log in and track student activity. To request your account, please sign up here.