Five tips for students receiving their results this exam season
It’s exam results season, we understand this time of year can be daunting for a lot of students so we wanted to give you some top tips to remember when those results come through the door.

Top tip 1 - Don't panic, try and stay calm
Remember you've done your best, these results are just the start of your journey! Don't panic if they're not what you expected, there are plenty of options available to you no matter your results. Many people in interesting job roles left school without the qualifications they thought they needed to get into the career of their dreams, but through hard work and determination they have managed to climb the career ladder. You can too!
Top tip 2 - Access support available in your area
You are not alone, there are lots of places you can access support around exam results! If you have gotten your results and are a bit worried, in Scotland you can access Skills Development Scotland’s Exam Results Helpline 0808 100 8000 and reach out for career, appeal and mental support, as well as guidance and advice. If you are in England you can access the National Careers Service’s Exam Results Helpline 0800 100 900.
Top tip 3 - Stay positive and resilient
We know it may be easier to say than do, but please try and stay positive and resilient. This is only the first step in your career journey, your exam results won't define your success 5 years from now! You can find out more about resilience on our online careers course ‘Essential Skills for the Workplace’.
Top tip 4 - Don't forget to relax and destress
You've done the hard work, now it's time to relax and destress. You could go for a walk, read a book, listen to music and much more. What matters is it's something you enjoy! Keeping the time to clear your mind will allow you to think clearly about what your next steps might be. It is extremely important to always take care of yourself physically and mentally.
Top tip 5 - Don't compare yourself to others
It's easy to compare ourselves to our friends and classmates, but it's important to remember we are all individuals and our success, paths and futures will look different. It’s ok if someone gets to their destination before you do, but it’s important to remember that you can and will get there. It’s not a race!
Remember, your results now are just the start of your journey. Whether or not you expected these results, there are many pathways you can take to your dream career. Uptree is here to connect you with the world of work, sign up and create your personal profile to learn about industries, companies, apprenticeships and opportunities and watch videos about other people’s experiences of starting work.
By Uptree
Published on:
Tue 8 Aug 2023