Our online careers courses FAQs
Have a question about our online careers courses?
Check out our frequently asked questions below.
If you still can't find what you're looking for, contact Uptree at educationteam@uptree.co
What are our online careers courses?
Our online careers courses are a collection of online lessons which support you to develop your skills and learn more about the world of work. You can learn about careers in different industries, develop essential skills and boost your employability. Lessons will take between 20-45 minutes to complete and you can save your progress to finish lessons at a later time if needed.
Where do I find the online careers courses?
The lessons are found on the courses page of the Uptree website. You will need to be logged into your Uptree account to begin a course.
I don’t have an Uptree account – how can I get started?
To start lessons on the online careers courses, you need to sign up for a free Uptree account here. If you have any trouble creating your account, please contact the Uptree Education Team so we can help.
Who are the online careers courses for?
These self-guided lessons are suitable for any young person wanting to develop their skills and learn more about the world of work.
What do I get if I complete a course?
For most courses you successfully complete, you will earn a certificate of completion which can be saved in your personal record of achievement. Certificates can also be shared on your LinkedIn and added to your professional profile. You could also share on other social media channels too, don't forget to tags us!
Do I have to complete every lesson in a course?
In order to earn your certificate, you will need to complete every lesson included in a course. Some lessons are unlockable, meaning you need to complete them in order to gain access to the next lesson in the series. Some lessons can be completed in any order. You are welcome to complete as many or as few lessons of a course as you wish - just remember to finish all lessons if you want the certificate!
Where can I find my certificate?
When you're logged into your Uptree account, visit the courses page and select the course you have completed. When you open the course detail page, there will be a link to download your certificate in the top right corner of your screen.
Have another question or something isn't working right?
Contact us via the chat bubble in the bottom right hand corner, or email us at educationteam@uptree.co