A group of students in a workshop

Three ways to enhance your CV with Uptree

In today's competitive job market, your CV needs to shine. It's the first impression a potential employer has of you, and crafting a killer CV can be daunting, especially when you're just starting out.

The Uptree Platform is your secret weapon for unlocking potential, gaining work experience and boosting your essential skills for the workplace. Keep reading to explore three ways Uptree can help enhance your CV and kickstart your career!

Get tailored CV advice at our work experience events

1. Attend events with leading employers

Uptree offers lots of free online and in-person Work Experience Days with leading employers. These events are a great way for you to learn about a company, take part in interactive industry tasks, meet current employees, learn about potential career paths and have the opportunity to ask any questions you have. You can talk about these Work Experience Days within your CV - highlighting any key activities you completed, skills you gained and knowledge you developed. Having work experience with an industry leading company on your CV can be very impressive and make you stand out from the crowd.

An example of how you can include Uptree events in your CV

Don’t miss out on our Application Masterclass events where you’ll learn about the different stages of the application and recruitment cycle. You’ll also get to take part in CV and other application related workshops. These events are a great insight into what companies look for in a CV when it comes to structure, as well as content. Some companies may even ask you to bring along your CV so they can provide tailored advice to help make you stand out.

The more experience you have on your CV, the more impressive it will look. So make sure to apply to as many Uptree events as you can to help enhance your CV.

Learn about what employers look for in a CV

2. Complete our free online courses

It is great to mention the courses you complete outside of your formal education on your CV. They can be added to a skills, courses or training section. Uptree’s online courses open doors to different employers, career opportunities and industries for free and from the comfort of your own home. Once you’ve started a course or individual lesson you can save your progress, then go back and work on it whenever you like, or you could complete it in one sitting.

Completing our courses shows employers that you are being proactive and open to learning new things, as well as finding new ways to develop your employability skills and expand your understanding of a particular industry.

Our online careers courses range from 30 minutes to 3 hours 45 minutes in total with individual lessons averaging around 30 minutes. You’ll get to learn about essential skills in the workplace, ways to boost your employability skills and Early Careers opportunities in companies like the National Cyber Force and ATAC. One of our courses (‘Develop Your Employability Skills’) has a lesson on CVs so if you are unsure about how to structure your CV and make it stand out, then this would be a good lesson to start with. You’ll also get a certificate when you complete a course which can be added to your LinkedIn profile.

An example of how you can include Uptree courses in your CV

3. Book a Support Call

Are you applying to roles and want someone at Uptree to review your CV? Then book a 15 minute Support Call. During an Uptree Support Call, you will receive tailored advice on the current strengths of your CV and areas that can be improved. These calls are a great opportunity for you to ask any questions you have about CVs to ensure that you know how to write a strong CV that clearly highlights your education, qualifications, experience and skills. Read this blog to see how completing an Uptree support call can boost your confidence, help build resilience during applications, and strengthen your applications. It can be extremely valuable to have someone review your CV so if you are unsure about who can support you and review your CV, then we are more than happy to help you.

Take advantage of Uptree's free support and opportunities

In summary, Uptree has a variety of free support and opportunities you can take advantage of to enhance your CV and make your application stand out from the crowd. For further support, check out our free downloadable resources and useful links on our Student Resource Hub. Here you’ll find our CV Template, good and bad CV examples as well as our FAQ document to answer all of your CV related questions.

Don’t forget! When your amazing CV lands you the role of your dreams, let Uptree know!

By Uptree
Published on: Mon 13 May 2024

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